Can anyone sign up?

We accept applications for the Concours in the Village from any and everyone. When you apply, your application and automobile will be reviewed by the Concours Committee. If your vehicle is selected for entry, you will receive any acceptance letter via email. Accepted entrants will also receive information following their acceptance on where to be the day of the Concours and other relevant information. The Concours in the Village is a judged event.

For our other events taking place over the weekend, they are registered events. Everyone is welcome to register for one or more events. If you would like to attend any of the events, please sign up via our Events Registration page. Once you register, you will receive any emailed receipt with your event line up. As we get closer to Memorial Day Weekend, you will receive additional information and instructions pertaining to the event(s) you signed up directly to your email.

How do I sign up?

Registration is easy! If you are:

Applying for the Concours in the Village, please click here.

If you would like to sign up for the other events taking place Memorial Day weekend, please click here.

When does registration end?

Concours Applications are open until March 31st, and Event Registration is open until April 15th. Due to the limited spaces for the “Concours in the Village” on Sunday, we must ask that entrants register well ahead of the actual event. Spots fill up quickly so please be sure to register today!

What days and times does each event take place?

We have a full schedule located on our Schedule of Events page that details each day’s events, the time slots, and other pertinent information for each event. As we get closer to Memorial Day Weekend, we will publish further instructions for entrants and spectators alike.


How much do tickets cost?

The Concours in the Village on Sunday is open to public spectators with no registration required. Poceeds go towards the endowment for the Sandhills Community College Automotive Department, please consider making a donation!

All other events are registration only.

Where do I park?

For the Concours in the Village on Sunday, please park in parking areas located in the surrounding areas of the Village. Our staff of volunteers will be on hand to help direct traffic with the assistance of Pinehurst Police Department.

How can I volunteer?

We are always looking for more volunteers to assist us with the weekend’s events! If you are able to help out, please visit the Contact page and send us a message requesting to volunteer!